Filing a Report

On November 1st, 2017, HB1468, The Hidden Predator Act, will become law. Up until this point, survivors of child sexual abuse over the age of 31 have been unable to pursue criminal complaints against their perpetrators. Survivors will now have until their 45th birthday. In addition, if a survivor has DNA evidence, they are no longer restricted by the previous 12-year limitation, and are able to pursue justice no matter how much time has elapsed from the last incident of abuse.
As a survivor who now faces the option of taking legal action, you may be finding yourself overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do now. This is a common feeling shared by many other survivors, so don't feel like you're alone.
At ToPrevail, we are here to assist you in any way we can. And while we are not legal professionals, and do not offer legal advice, we will do our best to support and guide you along your journey, including efforts to get you in touch with the professionals in law enforcement who can assist you with your claim. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. All communications are strictly confidential.